How to take care for a bunny?

Every pet needs to be loved and accepted as part of the family. Many times we can’t be sure what is going on with our animals, so we have to give our best in order for them to feel good. You have to be ready to take full responsibility for this new buddy. Your home will need some changes in order for it to be safe for animals, because you don’t want them to get injured. When you plan to adopt or buy an animal you have to make a research, so you will know all specific requirements and needs of your pet. For example you can’t buy a python without having a terrarium with special conditions.

What does it mean to have a pet rabbit?

BunnyHaving a bunny as a pet could be really pleasant experience. They are very social animals and if they are cage free you will think there is a fluffy cat in your home. Rabbits love to run and jump wherever you let them. Some people have concerns that their pet is going to make a great mess and that it will poop and pee everywhere, but the truth is that there is a solution to every possible problem. Most of the leftovers from bunnies are organic and you can’t throw it along with plastic or glass products. What you can do, is call a company with experience in all kinds of rubbish removal. Some organic waste products or leftovers could be used in biogas producing.

Cares for your bunny

It is recommended to spay or neuter your bunny, so it will be calmer and it will be easier for you to train and to use a litter box. But there is are greater benefits of spaying or neutering a rabbit which are:

  • Reduce the risk of cancer
  • Less urinary tract infections
  • Longer and healthier life
  • Easier to manage

Only rabbit-savvy veterinarians perform this procedure at the right age of your bunny. It is advisable to spay your female rabbit between 4th and 6th months while for male is between 3rd and 5th months. You have to monitor your rabbit after such a surgery for changes in behavior and appetite. Once a pet learns to use its litter box you can let it out of the cage so it will be free to play everywhere. There is something essential you should do at your home and it is to hide or wrap all cables because these little buddies love to have a teething toy. They can play with everything and they love to chew apple sticks, celery, carrots and other fresh products.

Curious and social these little sweeties can be a life companion. Furthermore, you can take them out for a walk. Of course you may need a harness for their safety, but bunnies like very much to be surrounded by nature and green spacious places. They will be waiting for you to come home after a long day at work and you will be happy to forget all troubles while playing with these cuties.