Recycling at the Work Place – Is It Possible?

More and more people, as well as business organizations around the work seem to be endorsing the environmentally responsible way of life. Naturally, this should be so, bearing in mind the staggering amount of scientific data that shows people are directly responsible for climate change and the unpleasant consequences that follow as a result of them. Even though the majority of the efforts are currently made either by private individuals or on a government level, businesses are also becoming more and more aware of their responsibilities.

Old-office-equipmentIf you want to help your company follow the trends, enter the 21st century and actually help the planet by encouraging your employees to recycle, there are a couple of things to do. First you should reevaluate the whole rubbish removal policy of your office. You might need to talk about it with your rubbish removal company. They will definitely be able to give you a helping hand and good advice about that. The second thing is to make recycling an integral part of office life. This might be a bit hard at first, but what we can guarantee you is that it will be totally worth it in the long run.

  • The first step is to talk about the problem with your profit-seekers. Explain to them that recycling is actually a great way for the company to reduce the expenses on rubbish removals, which actually means that you will increase the profits.
  • Have in mind that recycling habits are hard to be thought on the work place, because they are pretty far away from the main goal your employees are in the office for – work related tasks that bring money to the company. So you should accommodate recycling as much as possible, thus making it something no one actually thinks about while doing. For example, make sure that next every regular bin, there is one for recycling.
  • A large quantity of people is discouraged from recycling because of the complexity of the whole process. There are bins for recycling paper, metal, food and organic waste. Put just a single bin for all recyclable materials, then pay for its sorting. It may cost a little more, but after all, more people are going to go for the recycling than the regular bin when things are made so magnificently easy.
  • Encourage environment friendly lifestyle at the office by banning polystyrene and plastic cups at the work place. Each employee should bring his or hers own mug/cup. This strategy will considerably reduce the amount of junk produced on your work place, and will make the pressure sustained by landfills lower.
  • Last but not least, you can always count on the creativity of your employees. Announce a price for the department that comes up with the best idea for improving the sustainability of the office. The more people are involved in the process of making the office a more environmentally responsible place, the more likely they are to follow the rules and regulations for recycling once they are introduced.