That is How You Dispose of Old Tyres

If you are driving a car, especially in London, you are likely to use it extensively on a daily basis. The hassle of the big city tends to wear off the tyres of your vehicle pretty quickly, which means that you have to change them.

Getting rid of old tyres however might turn out to be a far more problematic endeavor than you might expect. Actually, throwing out tyres the way that you throw out your regular garbage is something very illegal. So, you should be acquainted with the proper regulations, so that you can avoid fines, but also to have a clear consciousness that you have done the best for the environment.

Old TyresThe most logical way to approach the problem with disposing of worn off tyres is to get acquainted with the regulations as they are set up by your local council. The rules in question may vary from district to district and borough to borough, but actually the basics are not much different across London.

Usually you are going to be presented with several options.

At some places, your council is going to allow you to have your tyres taken off the tip for a minimal rate that is very reasonable. It is usually around £3 per tyre, which in our opinion is quite affordable, provided that you will not have to worry about the problem any more. Even if they do not accept tyres, you should still check up with your local council, because the people working there might be able to direct you to the easiest way in which you will be able to dispose of them.

Another strategy that you might take in order to get rid of worn out tyres that you no longer need is to call the local garages in your district. Many such contractors will readily accept what you have for them and relief you from the responsibility of disposing of your tyres for free, which is always a good deal, no matter how you look at it.

What is more, there are a number of specialized companies operating on the territory of London that deal with this kind of stuff. All you have to do is check out if any of them operate on the territory of your district. In most cases they charge for collecting old tyres, but you can also ask for advice there about garages that accept tyres or other strategies of disposing.

The last thing that you can do is applicable in case that you do not want to spare a minute of your precious time dealing with your old tyres. It might be a bit more costly, but it is definitely worth it – that is to hire a rubbish removal company to take care of the job. There are many waste disposal companies in London that will gladly take up the task and dispose of any kind of garbage for you professionally, quickly and hassle-free, so why bother making any other effort? Just find your nearest rubbish removal contractor.