The 3 Rs of waste disposal

We are facing many problems when it comes to preserving nature and all of them originate from humanity’s activities on Earth. We’ve come to a point where our well-being is a day-to-day priority and we simply do not care about our future. This can be seen clearly if we look into the way we manage garbage removal. We use more and more things and then we dispose of them. Most of us don’t even want to know what happens to our junk after we get rid of it. Well it is tough to dabble into that matter right now but we can at least try to raise awareness on how to properly handle rubbish. For instance we should follow the rule of the “3 Rs of waste disposal”. They are:

This is the right order of the three. We will briefly take a look into each of them and discuss what can be done to improve the way we treat garbage.

We need to start somewhere

Reduce is the first step and maybe the hardest one when it comes to taking better care of our rubbish. The problem is that nothing in our world is synonymous with the word “reduce”. Our population keeps growing and people consume more and more. It’s not a matter of food only. Our life tends to become progressively convenient and that means that we use more goods of any sort daily. We buy things like crazy and very soon after we grow tired of them and simply dump them.

But can we change our habits completely?

Recycle EmblemOur plants and factories work as hard as ever. We even construct with acceleration. A good example is China and its relations with the Western world. People buy all sorts of plastic items for various purposes, they are often defective (the items) or short lived and eventually we again get rid of them. This causes us to throw away an excessive amount of goods and therefore it gets harder to process all that junk. Eventually we end up with huge levels of pollution and as you can perhaps imagine – this is not a good thing.

We should start with the little things. The more we require, the more we will receive because people are greedy and love selling us stuff. Next time you go to the groceries’ store use a cloth bag and don’t take the plastic bag that they want to give you for free. In general avoid using plastic bags – they get torn easily and we end up dumping them. Cloth napkins are also the better choice in comparison to paper napkins. Yes, you might need to wash it but it is still better than destroying ridiculous amounts of timber every day. Cloth is also suitable for dishes. Again the challenge of constant washing occurs but it is well worth it. Get as many notifications as possible vie email and discontinue your subscriptions for mailing lists working via the regular post.