If you want to make some major changes in your home, but your budget does not allow grand projects, do not despair. There are a number of life hacks that will help you achieve pretty satisfactory results with minimal expenses.
- Start off by getting rid of the clutter. You will be surprised how much your home can change after a properly executed rubbish removal. You can do it yourself, or get a waste collection company to help you – in either case it will be efficient both in terms of results and cost. There is nothing like a clutter free home when it comes to comfort and care.
- Probably the cheapest way to change your home is to move around your furniture. Rearranging the pieces is easy and in most cases hassle-free, but it can totally change the way a room looks and is used for. If your couch and sofas are against the wall, group them in the center of the room. Extent the curtain treatment in order to make the place look bigger. But most importantly – do everything in a way that you like and is going to be functional.
- Design matters. That is why you should pay attention to the accents in your home, because they will change the way it looks. We are not talking about major make over, but rather adding small, but still essential things. You can decorate a part of a wall with the greeting cards you have received for your last birthday, or with photos of loved ones and friends instead. Flowers and fruits placed in glass plates and vases will brighten up the space considerably. These are only a couple of ideas to get your mojo going – use your imagination and think about something that you are going to like.
The wall decoration is really important. And since you are on a budget, buying an art collection to hang on the walls of every room in your home is not an option. But have no fear. In the kitchen, properly arranged pots, pans and baking tins can make a wonderful wall decoration. Collages of family photos or the so-called refrigerator art-work is another great idea for wall decoration that will be both appealing to the senses and one hundred percent inexpensive.
- Well, we have saved the most obvious for last. Every home renovation project usually begins with painting the walls and ceilings. You will be truly surprised how dramatically changed everything would look after only replacing the color of one wall with another. If you want a real change, forget about sticking to the neutral colors. Go wild, use warm or calming tones in order to invoke special feeling when you are in a certain room. If you want to make the place more fun, you can even consider painting every wall in a different color. As with everything, the key to success here is to experiment and not let conventions stay in your way.